Adult Pbs
Antony Beevor Stalingrad Stalingrad est sans doute le tournant capital de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Sa chute aurait livré à Hitler les pétroles du Caucase. Et quel symbole que de prendre la ville qui portait le nom du « petit père des peuples ». De ces enjeux résulta un des plus gigantesques - et des plus atroces - affrontements militaires de l'Histoire. La Wehrmacht en ressortit brisée ; l'Armée rouge y forgea la légende d'un communisme libérateur.
Pour conter cette épopée, où l'héroïsme et la barbarie se côtoient à chaque page, l'historien britannique Antony Beevor a pu accéder, le premier, aux archives soviétiques, jalousement tenues secrètes jusqu'à la chute du régime, qu'il a confrontées aux archives allemandes ainsi qu'à d'innombrables témoignages.
Opérations militaires, relations entre les hauts gradés et le pouvoir politique, souffrances quotidiennes des combattants des deux bords et des civils : à tous les niveaux, ce récit rigoureux et inspiré apporte des révélations et des éclairages nouveaux. Il nous fait revivre au jour le jour une bataille où se joua le sort du monde.
On sort de ce bilan magistral abasourdi par l'ampleur et l'horreur des destructions humaines. mais aussi par le temps qu'il a fallu à l'Histoire pour qu'elle reprenne, sur un tel sujet, ses droits. Voilà qui est fait.
Pierre Daix, Le Figaro littéraire.
Des favorites royales, la marquise de Pompadour est sans aucun doute la plus célèbre.
Pourtant, son ascendance bourgeoise aurait dû lui fermer les portes de la Cour. Et c'est grâce à sa beauté, à sa prodigieuse énergie et à son intelligence qu'elle parvint à séduire Louis XV. Même lorsque leur relation prit un tour platonique, elle resta sa plus chère amie. Avec talent et habileté, elle sut également s'imposer à Versailles et y exerça une influence qui ne se démentit jamais au cours des vingt années de son " règne " : faisant et défaisant les ministres, se mêlant de politique et de prodiguer ses conseils.
Femme de goût, elle fut encore un véritable mécène, soutien indéfectible des érudits et artistes de son temps. Dans l'intimité de cette femme de pouvoir, Nancy Mitford fait revivre la cour de Louis XV et décrit avec malice ses intrigues et l'entourage de la marquise.
Originally published 25 years ago 'Orientalism' is an influential book of ideas. Edward Said surveys the history and nature of Western attitudes towards the East. For generations now this book has defined our understanding of colonialism and empire.
Recreating the ups and downs in the history of Paris and its inhabitants, this book seeks to give a sense of the city as it was lived in and experienced over time. It is intended for habitual Paris obsessives, for first-time visitors, and for those who know the city only by repute.
Naomi Klein, author of the #1 international bestsellers, The Shock Doctrine and No Logo, returns with This Changes Everything, a must-read on how the climate crisis needs to spur transformational political change We seem to have given up on any serious effort to prevent catastrophic climate change. Despite mounting scientific evidence, denialism is surging in many wealthy countries, and extreme fossil-fuel extraction gathers pace. Exposing the work of ideologues on the right who know the challenge this poses to the free market all too well, Naomi Klein also challenges the failing strategies of environmental groups. This Changes Everything argues that the deep changes required should not be viewed as punishments to fear, but as a kind of gift. It's time to stop running from the full implications of the crisis and begin to embrace them.
Naomi Klein is an award-winning journalist, syndicated columnist and author of the international bestsellers, The Shock Doctrine and No Logo. She is a member of the board of directors for, a global grassroots movement to solve the climate crisis, a Puffin Foundation Writing Fellow at The Nation Institute, and a former Miliband Fellow at the LSE. She holds an honorary Doctor of Civil Laws from the University of King's College, Nova Scotia.
Deals with the history of humanity, using objects which previous civilisations have left behind them, often accidentally, as prisms through which we can explore past worlds and the lives of the men and women who lived in them.
Reconstructs the experiences of millions caught up in the nightmare of the Third Reich's final collapse, telling a terrible story of pride, stupidity, fanatacism, revenge and savagery, and also of endurance, self-sacrifice and survival against all odds.
At the end of the Second World War, the Soviet Union unexpectedly found itself in control of a huge swathe of territory in Eastern Europe. Stalin and his secret police set out to convert a dozen radically different countries to a completely new political and moral system: Communism.
In almost every major war there comes a point where defeat looms for one side and its rulers cut a deal with the victors, if only in an attempt to save their own skins. This title offers an account of the final months of the Nazi war machine, from the failed attempt to assassinate Hitler in July 1944 to the German surrender in May 1945.
From the bestselling author of Stalingrad , Berlin and D-Day , Antony Beevor's Ardennes 1944: Hitler's Last Gamble tells the story of the German's ill-fated final stand. On 16 December, 1944, Hitler launched his 'last gamble' in the snow-covered forests and gorges of the Ardennes. He believed he could split the Allies by driving all the way to Antwerp, then force the Canadians and the British out of the war. Although his generals were doubtful of success, younger officers and NCOs were desperate to believe that their homes and families could be saved from the vengeful Red Army approaching from the east. Many were exultant at the prospect of striking back. The Ardennes offensive, with more than a million men involved, became the greatest battle of the war in western Europe. American troops, taken by surprise, found themselves fighting two panzer armies. Belgian civilians fled, justifiably afraid of German revenge. Panic spread even to Paris. While many American soldiers fled or surrendered, others held on heroically, creating breakwaters which slowed the German advance. The harsh winter conditions and the savagery of the battle became comparable to the eastern front. And after massacres by the Waffen-SS, even American generals approved when their men shot down surrendering Germans. The Ardennes was the battle which finally broke the back of the Wehrmacht.
A history of the crusades Tome 1 ; the first crusade
Steven Runciman
- Adult Pbs
- 9 Novembre 2016
- 9780141985503
A history of the crusades Tome 2 ; the kingdom of Jerusalem
Steven Runciman
- Adult Pbs
- 9 Novembre 2016
- 9780241298763
* * * S pecial 75th Anniversary Edition * * * Hugh Sebag-Montefiore's Dunkirk: Fight to the Last Man tells the story of the rescue in May 1940 of British soldiers fleeing capture and defeat by the Nazis at Dunkirk. Dunkirk was not just about what happened at sea and on the beaches. The evacuation would never have succeeded had it not been for the tenacity of the British soldiers who stayed behind to ensure they got away. Men like Sergeant Major Gus Jennings who died smothering a German stick bomb in the church at Esquelbecq in an effort to save his comrades, and Captain Marcus Ervine-Andrews VC who single-handedly held back a German attack on the Dunkirk perimeter thereby allowing the British line to form up behind him. Told to stand and fight to the last man, these brave few battalions fought in whatever manner they could to buy precious time for the evacuation. Outnumbered and outgunned, they launched spectacular and heroic attacks time and again, despite ferocious fighting and the knowledge that for many only capture or death would end their struggle. 'A searing story . . . both meticulous military history and a deeply moving testimony to the extraordinary personal bravery of individual soldiers' Tim Gardam, The Times 'Sebag-Montefiore tells [the story] with gusto, a remarkable attention to detail and an inexhaustible appetite for tracking down the evidence' Richard Ovary, Telegraph Hugh Sebag-Montefiore was a barrister before becoming a journalist and then an author. He wrote the best-selling Enigma: The Battle for the Code . One of his ancestors was evacuated from Dunkirk.
Verdun was a battle which lasted ten months and in which at least 700,000 men fell, along a front of 15 miles. This study of the men who fought there shows that Verdun is a key to understanding World War I - a key to the minds of those who waged it, and to the traditions that bound them.
The true story of a family torn apart by revolition and war, by the author of 'Stalingrad' and 'Berlin'.
In 1940, the German army fought and won an extraordinary battle with France in six weeks of lightning warfare. This work's narrative shifts from minor battlefield incidents to high military and political decisions, looking beyond the confines of military history, offering an understanding of the crises of the Franco-German rivalry.
Machiavelli is one of the most famous strategists of all time. In this collection he discusses the dangers of conspiracies, and the component parts of an army, vital for gaining and holding power in his day. He also gives advice on tactics and discipline, and explains why promises made under force ought not to be kept.
GREAT IDEAS. Throughout history, some books have changed the world. They have transformed the way we see ourselves - and each other. They have inspired debate, dissent, war and revolution. They have enlightened, outraged, provoked and comforted. They have enriched lives - and destroyed them. Now Penguin brings you the works of the great thinkers, pioneers, radicals and visionaries whose ideas shook civilization and helped make us who we are.
A history of the crusades Tome 3 ; the kingdom of Acre
Steven Runciman
- Adult Pbs
- 9 Novembre 2016
- 9780241298770
The third volume of Steven Runciman's classic, hugely influential trilogy on the history of the Crusades 'The whole tale is one of faith and folly, courage and greed, hope and disillusion' Steven Runciman's triumphant three-volume A History of the Crusades remains an unsurpassed account of the events that changed the world and continue to resonate today. This final volume of the trilogy begins with the glamorous Third Crusade and ends with the ruinous collapse of the crusader states and the degeneration of their ideals, which reached its nadir in the tragic destruction of Byzantium. 'When historical events are written about with this sort of command, they take on not only the universality of a fairy tale but also a certain moral weight. Runciman writes both seductively and instructively about the dignity and beauty of different religious beliefs and about the difficulties of their co-existence' Independent
In 1950, international communism seemed on the offensive. As Britain once more finds itself in a global confrontation with an implacable ideological enemy, this title provides an account of the strategic dynamics that drove this age, beginning with the Second World War and ending with the collapse of the Soviet Union.
We will all go down fighting to the end
Winston Churchill
- Adult Pbs
- Great Ideas
- 26 Août 2010
- 9780141192536
'Wars are not won by evacuations' 'We will all go down fighting to the end' 'We can take it!' 'Westward look, the land is bright' This collection of speeches from one of the great modern orators includes Churchill's famous words on the declaration of war with Germany, as well as his rousing call to the British in June 1940 after Dunkirk, and his immortal tribute to the young men fighting in the Battle of Britain.
Throughout history, some books have changed the world. They have transformed the way we see ourselves - and each other. They have inspired debate, dissent, war and revolution. They have enlightened, outraged, provoked and comforted. They have enriched lives - and destroyed them. Now Penguin brings you the works of the great thinkers, pioneers, radicals and visionaries whose ideas shook civilization and helped make us who we are.
Why do people work hard, and take pride in what they do? This book discusses about what happens when people try to do a good job. It asks us to think about the true meaning of skill in the 'skills society' and argues that pure competition is a poor way to achieve quality work.